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Moving house: a no-nonsense home movers checklist

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Olivia Lowry
Moving house: a no-nonsense home movers checklist

Whether it’s your first place or your fifth, there’s always a lot to deal with in the run-up to a house move. Knowing what to do and in what order is a challenge, and before you know it you’re knee-deep in bubble wrap and boxes.

While it’s good to be a little flexible with your schedule, there are still some must-do’s you’ll have to be on top of to ensure your move goes smoothly. Tick your way through our no-nonsense home movers checklist and you’ll be in your new place in no time.

Moving house checklist

Two months to go…

Let’s get the (removal van) wheels in motion. Now’s a good time to begin some of the bigger jobs, and make sure everyone’s on the same page.

  • Confirm moving dates

  • Organise pet sitters/childcare 

  • Book a removal company

  • Buy removal boxes and packaging

  • Declutter and donate

  • Notify your utility providers

  • Begin packing non-essentials

Moving house checklist

One month to go…

Time flies when you’re having fun. With just 4 weeks left, it’s time to get to paperwork and other life admin. How grown up of you.
  • Register with a new GP and dentist

  • Let the council know about your move

  • Sort out utilities for your new place 

  • Notify your bank 

  • Secure home insurance

  • Start packing items you don’t use every day

  • Label your moving boxes

Moving home checklist

One week to go…

The clock’s ticking and you’ll be in your new abode in just 7 days. Check you’ve got everything below done and dusted by the time the week’s over.

  • Finish up your packing

  • Wrap and protect furniture

  • Disassemble furniture for easier transportation 

  • Have a kitchen clear-out 

  • Pack valuables and important documents in a safe, easily accessible place

Home movers checklist

The day before…

By this point you’ll be sorted, and it’s important to take some time to rest ahead of the big day (or days, if you’re moving further away). 

  • Charge your phone fully 

  • Get a box of first-night essentials or an overnight bag packed

  • Move all of your boxes and furniture downstairs or to the most accessible place for the removal company

  • Collect your hire van or confirm the schedule once more with your removal company

Moving house checklist

On the day…

After what felt like a lifetime, you’re finally in. Collect your keys, grab an energy-rich brekky and get moving. If you’ve gathered a few friends to help, make sure they all know what’s to go where. The same applies if you’re using a removal company.

  • Take meter readings for all utilities and keep note of them to pass on

  • Strip all beds down and put everything in clearly marked bags

  • Do a final sweep of the house to ensure you haven’t left anything behind

  • Instruct your movers on what is and isn’t going into the removal van

  • Do a final house clean

  • Turn off electrics and heating

  • Make sure all doors and windows are locked

  • Leave or drop off keys as instructed for the new owners or tenants

Moving house checklist

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