Fabric Care
Which fabrics are stain resistant?
Despite popular belief, not all of Swyft's fabrics are stain resistant. If owning a sofa with stain resistant fabric is high on your criteria, double-check that there is a stain resistant icon next to the fabric colour.
To help you out, any fabrics in Recycled Velvet, Velvet, Mottled Velvet, Royal Velvet, or Linen are stain resistant – perfect for busy households, where a sofa stain might be on the cards. Our core range fabrics, Teal, Vine, Pumice, and Shadow (aka the originals), are also stain resistant.
When choosing your new sofa colour and fabric, bare in mind that our non-stain resistant fabrics are Boucle, Chenille, Leather, Faux Leather, and Soft Linen.
Fabric care details
We can't stop your friend from spilling wine on your sofa or your kids from smearing chocolate on the seats, but clean-up is as easy as wiping the stain with a wet cloth. From ballpoint pen to coffee, mud, red wine, and ketchup, common household stains are easily removed allowing you to keep your furniture fabrics looking fresh year after year. For all stain resistant fabrics, stains can be removed using mostly water, stubborn stains may require a small amount of household soap. See below for our four steps to cleaning sofas, and two of those are ‘water’:
Don't Panic: For stains like mud, ketchup, lipstick or silly putty, you’ll need to get a teaspoon. First, remove any stain residue with the edge of the teaspoon or a flat utensil. For other stains like pen or coffee, you won’t need to do this. Just dampen the fabric and blot.
Water & blot: Apply water to the stain and blot using a white paper towel. Do not do the circular motion rub trick because it’ll just rip your paper towel & drive the fibres from it into your fabric. Repeat the process until you can’t see the stain on the paper towel anymore.
Water & circles: Apply more water to the area and gently rub with a microfibre cloth. Use soap for stubborn stains. Any white bar of soap will do, whatever you have in the house. Now you can do the circular motion rub trick with a cloth or towel. Repeat the process until the stain is completely removed.
Air dry: This is really important. Don’t use a hairdryer or apply heat to the stain in any way. Just air dry.
2 year fabric guarantee
With every upholstered item, we provide a 2-year guarantee on all fabrics. Our fabrics are durable and resilient, which is why they are guaranteed for two years. However, the guarantee does not cover stains or spills. It covers issues with the workmanship and stitching. If you want to cover stains or spills, we’d recommend taking out a five-year insurance plan with Guardsman Protection.